
 This group of men and women support the sacredness of life from conception to natural death. Volunteers participate in the phone chain used to encourage people to call politicians regarding urgent issues that protect the sanctity of life. Volunteers participate in the Life Chain each October.
An individual with computer skills is needed to generate a computer list
for the phone chain. Time commitment is about 1 hour every month to save the life of a child. Please consider giving us an hour of your time.

Respect Life Corner

Prayer—in prayer, we acknowledge that God is God (in

charge), and we are not,  We pray the rosary for life.  Attend pro-life events
and encourage young people to support life.

Fasting—By fasting, we acknowledge that God alone is all

we need.

Almsgiving—When we give alms, we give to others and

trust that God will provide for all we need. We support pregnancy centers

with donations of diapers and baby clothes etc....

Learn, Act, Connect, Pray: 1) How will we pray and for

whom shall we pray as a family during this Lent?

2) How shall we fast? Can we fast from gossip, from using

the Lord’s name in vain, from talking back to our parents

or fast from a bad habit?

3) To whom can we show God’s generosity this Lent? How

will we display that generosity?

Click here
if you would like to be contacted
about joining this group.

An Hour of Prayer

One Sunday in October each year members of St. Henry's Pro-life group gathered in public prayer on Hwy 159 in Fairview Heights, IL for Life and the unborn. Metro East Life Chain organized an hour of prayer and witness from 2-3 pm. The Life Chain is a powerful message to those driving by that life is precious and should be protected.

Respect Life Corner

Family Prayer—Praying together as a family is a beautiful

way to increase your family’s relationship with the Lord and

with one another. The Holy Family of Nazareth experienced

both joy and sorrow as do families of today.

Learn. Act, Connect, Pray: In daily family life, Pope

Francis affirmed the importance of speaking key words

within our families: “may I,” please” and “sorry”. We

must use our words to treat every person with dignity and

respect. Pray for healing and reconciliation within families

so that no one feels unloved or unwelcome.

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