New Paragraph
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !
A big thank you to all who attended the talks with Dr. Mary Healy!
If you are interested in hearing more about the Healing Ministry
please call the St Henry Parish office 618-233-2423
Our next Centennial Event will be the Pro-Life rosary and tree lighting
Friday, Jan 24th 2:40 pm at the grotto in front of St Henry Church
with Hot Chocolate and Cinnamon logs in the gym to follow.
Call the parish office 618-233-2423 for more info
St Henry Parish pays tribute to 100 years of employees!
Centennial Timeline of Events click here

People in the thousands came to witness Jesus healing the sick, the lame, the deaf and the blind.
He gave that power to his disciples and sent them out to spread the Good News and bring hope to the world.
Was that it? Or is the healing power of Jesus alive today in The Church?
Dr Mary Healy, professor of Theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit is an inspiring lecturer and author.
Hearing her account of the power Jesus bestowed on the disciples makes us believe she is giving a first-hand account of his miracles.
Dr Healy a member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission
spoke to us on the mission of Healing in The Church historically and today and our role in supernatural healing.
She reminded us that as followers of Jesus Christ we are called to spread the good news and heal the sick. If you are interested in exploring the charism of Healing in our Diocese
please call the parish office 618-233-2423 for more information.
2nd Centennial Speaker- Maria Vargo, Sunday, February 16th following the 10:30 am Mass clik here for more information
Weekday Mass
Mon-Fri: 8 am
ACHS Mass all are welcome!
10:15 am Wednesday's, when
classes are in session.
Weekend Masses
Saturday 8 am
Saturday vigil 4 pm
Sunday 8:30 & 10:30 am
Check the live stream
8:30 am on Sunday's! on our Facebook page
Looking for a Mass that
fits your schedule?
by Zip Code
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday from 3-3:45 pm
at 2:30-4:30 pm
Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Song
at 3 pm
A rescue dog senses life in the tabernacle click here to view
Divine Mercy Sunday, April 7th. Say the Chaplet of Divine Mercy a powerful prayer of Mercy for those in your family. click here to see more
Fast and pray initiative is regarding a state-wide effort to fast
and pray every Friday for the leadership in the State of Illinois.
This initiative was started by a group of concerned Lay Catholics
from the Joliet diocese following the reversal of Roe v Wade
and the impact it could have on this state. It is our intention
to unite in prayer and fasting
every Friday throughout the State.
Parishes from all six dioceses have
been or will be contacted to help spread the word.
The Belleville Messenger posted an article in the September 29th issue regarding the importance of this initiative.
Thank you Father Ken!
Register NOW!
then register! It is that easy! No need for a
parish code. Check out the many faith enriching programs for Lent.
Lord Jesus Christ, you chose to share our human nature and redeem all people. We ask for help for our brothers and sisters who are ill. Support them with your power and shelter them from sadness. Keep them firm in faith and serene in hope. Also help those who assist the sick and care for them in their time of illness. Inspire our society to resist the temptation of assisted suicide for the elderly, the sick, the vulnerable and all your people. May life’s beauty and sanctity be respected among all our brothers and sisters. All this we ask in your holy name. Amen.
Men's and Ladies Club Christmas Party at Cure and Cultured, Sunday, Dec 1st, 12-3pm
Call the parish office to make a reservation. 618-233-2423
Ladies Club Christmas Party at Cured and Cultured Sunday, Dec 1st 12-3 pm. All parishioners are welcome. Call the parish office to make a reservation 618-233-2423
On February 12, 2023, our parish began The Parish Rosary Program. Each week parishioners are requested to either email to the church secretary or drop in the collection basket a slip of paper with the number of rosaries they prayed the previous week. Weekly, year-to-date, and grand totals will be printed in the church bulletin.
There are many reasons to pray the rosary: reparation for sin, world peace, political civility, the end of abortion, souls in purgatory, the intentions of the Holy Father, vocations, lukewarm and fallen away Catholics, marriages, and those in the most need of God’s mercy. But perhaps the best reason of all is by praying the rosary as Blessed Mother has requested, is that she will bring us closer to Jesus and in the process we will become more Christ like.
All adults and children are asked to participate. If you are unsure of how to pray the Rosary, there are instructions in the back of church..
10,288 rosaries recorded!