New Paragraph

Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for us!

Mass Times


Religious Education


St Henry Centennial,  1925-2025
Opening Ceremony Sunday, November 24, 2024,
Feast of Christ the King  at 10:30 am Mass
light brunch to follow,
registration required, click our logo to register online
or call the parish office 618-233-2423

The Cornerstone Catholic Scripture Study will begin a study of THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW
Please join us on Wednesday's
 from 9:15-11:15 am. 
at St Clare of Assisi parish hall. 
Childcare provided!  For more information please call Kathleen  618-398-5122

St Henry Parish  will celebrate their Centennial beginning in Nov 2024 thru July 13th 2025. 

Please prayer for the Centennial Committee members as they make plans !

Mass Times

Weekday Mass

Mon-Fri: 8 am   

ACHS Mass all are welcome!

10:15 am Wednesday's, when
classes are in session.


Weekend Masses 

Saturday 8 am 

Saturday vigil 4 pm

Sunday 8:30 & 10:30 am 


Check the live stream

8:30 am on  Sunday's! on our Facebook page

Looking for a Mass that

fits your schedule?

by Zip Code


The Sacrament of Reconciliation

Saturday from 3-3:45 pm 


at 2:30-4:30 pm

Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Song

at 3 pm

A rescue dog senses life in the tabernacle     click here to view

Divine Mercy Sunday, April 7th.  Say the Chaplet of Divine Mercy a powerful prayer of Mercy for those in your family.  click here to see more

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Keep up with our latest news

  • Fast & Pray for Illinois

    Fast and pray initiative is regarding a state-wide effort to fast

    and pray every Friday for the leadership in the State of Illinois.

    This initiative was started by a group of concerned Lay Catholics

    from the Joliet diocese following the reversal of Roe v Wade

    and the impact it could have on this state. It is our intention

    to unite in prayer and fasting

    every Friday throughout the State.

    Parishes from all six dioceses have

    been or will be contacted to help spread the word.

    The Belleville Messenger posted an article in the September 29th issue regarding the importance of this initiative. 

  • Live Stream Mass 8:30 am Sunday morning, tune in!

  • Formed is back!

    Thank you Father Ken! 

    Register NOW! 

    then register!  It is that easy! No need for a

    parish code. Check out the many faith enriching programs for Lent.

  • Respect Life Corner

    “An old Irish proverb says, ‘It is in the shelter of each other that the people live.’ Indeed, we are created to depend upon one another and walk together in suffering. But when family members or friends approach life’s end, we may not know how best to ‘shelter’ them. Here are some concrete ways we can compassionately care for them:”  

     USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities Caring for Loved Ones at Life’s End  

  • Men's Club

     The Men's Club will  hold its monthly meeting this Tuesday, September 10th, at 7 pm in the Knights of Columbus hall.  All men of the parish are welcome.  Snacks and drinks will be provided. 

  • Ladies Club

     October 15th Ladies Club, at 5:30 p.m, we will have a speaker Sergeant Erin Huff from Swansea Police Department. She will be speaking on how to avoid fraud and scams. St. Augustine ladies will be attending. Pizza and salad and ice cream will be served. For the food pantry this month we will collect cleaning and laundry products. If you are filling a box of Joy box you can bring this to the meeting that night as well. This informational meeting is for ALL ladies of the parish.  

Pray the Rosary with your Parish!

On February 12, 2023, our parish began The Parish Rosary Program. Each week parishioners are requested to either email to the church secretary or drop in the collection basket a slip of paper with the number of rosaries they prayed the previous week. Weekly, year-to-date, and grand totals will be printed in the church bulletin.


There are many reasons to pray the rosary: reparation for sin, world peace, political civility, the end of abortion, souls in purgatory, the intentions of the Holy Father, vocations, lukewarm and fallen away Catholics, marriages, and those in the most need of God’s mercy. But perhaps the best reason of all is by praying the rosary as Blessed Mother has requested, is that she will bring us closer to Jesus and in the process we will become more Christ like.


All adults and children are asked to participate. If you are unsure of how to pray the Rosary, there are instructions in the back of church.. 
9028 rosaries  recorded!

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